What this means?

Apparently, I can make a website now. Last week I could not.

I’m a bit surprised at how easy it is. Had to find hosting, a domain name, and a website builder. The rest is just fiddling with menus and uploading pictures. No coding was required. Maybe it’s a good idea to write some words every now and again.

I had attempted twice before. Once was hand-carved in html. It functioned, but was uglier’n sin. The second time, I used a dedicated editor. Not being a much of a graphic designer myself, I wasn’t happy with that one either. Neither of these instances yielded a result that I felt was worth purchasing a domain name over.

Fortunately now the tools exist to make building a website almost completely plug-and-play. Pre-rendered themes make it as easy as filling in the blanks. Part of me thinks using this software is kind of a cop-out, but I’m really just pleased that it enables me to share my creations in a space that I own*.


*rent-ish, subject to terms and conditions, yada yada yada