This costume is a light-up, animatronic, mixed-media wearable sculpture in the style of a Borg Drone from “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”
Media include electronics, EVA foam, 3D printed, and found-object. The costume debuted at Denver Comic Con 2017.
Below are the photos from this build.
Larson scanner kit from EMSL
Analog blinky kit I bought back in the nineties
555 timer blinky. The first I ever made
555 blinky
WS-2812 Tri-color addressable LEDs
Powering everything together
Rough draft of the costume layout
6A Power circuit
Drawing inspiration from a prior accomplishment
Building the eyepiece
Repurposing sports pads
Baseball armor
Shin guards
Plenty of cables and conduit
Recycled PET plastic
Borg Themed tumbler
Reusing the arm-tip from the old costume
Stringing the armor together
Taking the armor apart
Prototyping in cardboard. Nice face
cutting up individual pieces
Back spine piece
Early-draft cardboard headpiece
First layout of the armor
Second draft of headpiece, pre-cut
Figuring out where the eye will hit
More recycled PET packaging
Leg armor in cardboard
Updated map of the electronics/armor
fitting and shaping the headpiece
New arm
Flat-packing the armor for transfer
Index marks
Transferring to EVA foam
Headpiece assembly in foam
Rough, obvious seams :/
First coat of space-dusting
Back panel layout
EJ giving this project some brains
Armor sandwich board
Power distribution board
Maybe I went a bit overboard on the solder here
Control panel (inside the arm)
Additions to the front panel
Arm electronics wired up
Two-pin to three-pin conversion
Three-pin header
Routing the signal wire
Live-wiring of the headpiece
Potting a tri-color LED in the armor
Arm pieces wired
Finished sandwich board
Finished chest panel close up
Testing the back-panel electrical
Finished armor
Armor electrical working
In the dark
Borg makeup
Ready for Con
Holding up after fourteen hours